Stephanie explores a process for tackling our own peak wellness, upleveling, and avoiding a bypass. She dives into the first step in her process, INVENTORY, what it means, how to do it, why to do it, and what if we don’t do it.

She shares a personal example of how her life was recently impacted, what inventory looked like including taking ENERGETIC RESPONSIBILITY, and how to contribute to the collective wellness on our planet right now from the inside out.

About Stephanie

If you’re serious about self-mastery, awakened leadership, rebooting our world, personal growth, and catalyzing change from the inside out, welcome to my vortex.

All about coming home to who you really are so you can do the work you’re really here to do.

As an Earthkeeper I’m on a mission to awaken consciousness on this planet so we can live in truth and harmony with ourselves, each other, and nature. I’m a human rights and eco investigator, personal coach, and trusted advisor + questioner- of yours, mine, and our collective perception of ‘reality’. I believe we can create a thriving economy based on reciprocity, social and environmental justice. It begins with our personal growth.

Learn more about Stephanie


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Conversations with change agents, outliers, superheros, and truly conscious leaders modeling what it is to be an unstoppable force for good and truth in this world. What lit these catalysts on fire to do their work, and what nuggets of wisdom can they share with a world literally on fire.