Speak Your Truth

For more than two decades I’ve been coaching and developing modalities on physical vitality, mental freedom, emotional peace, aligned business, deeper impact, conscious communication, and spiritual expansion.

Synergizing innate wisdom with positive psychology, neuroscience, NLP, a background in, human rights and eco activism, business and corporate law, plus shamanism and alternative ancient practices, I meet you in the ‘field’ of infinite possibility. I started as an herbalist, activist, and earthkeeper, then came lawyer, medicine woman, coach, business and impact strategist.

I now just AM. And what I do is QUANTUM TRANSFORMATION.

The story

I’m Stephanie, earthkeeper, tree communicator, bridge between worlds, coach, advisor and spiritual guide for intellectual analytical soul seekers ready to come home to who they really are and do the work they’re really here to do.   As a futurist and new earth storyspeller, transformational speaker and impact strategist (and repurposed Lawyer), I am a passionate space holder for our future human potential.

Since a young age I’ve been aware of the multi-dimensional realities co-existing in time which meant psychic intuitive gifts were present along with challenges of knowing a world no-one around me could explain. There was a time when my linear world of NYC cut throat law and corporate decision making cut me off from myself- the healer, see’er, feeler, and passionate wisdom seeker.

In seeking my truth and to understand my gifts, I immersed in decades of off the beaten path experiences… living and studying with indigenous communities, living off the grid, learning from wild experiences like being chased up close by a mother bear, being face to face with mountain lions- alone in the woods, working on the front lines of environmental justice, standing with a shotgun to my face, running from an angry logger (who killed my friend) with a chainsaw up a steep mountain slope…

Twenty years a martial artist deep diving in danger zones in Brazil, being healed of a severe brain injury by a Shuar Shaman in the Ecuadorian Amazon, co-founding a corporate responsibility law firm in the 1990’s, coaching superstar change agents for 15+ years in everything from peak wellness, higher purpose, leadership and sustainability (before it was a thing), to business and negotiations, plus holding space as a healer in the domain of the Soul…

This journey has shown me one common thing, the key to understanding who we truly are is connecting with nature. We are nature.

I’m here to connect people to who they really are so they can do what they’re really here to do.

I work with individuals and organizations in bespoke coaching programs, shamanic energy medicine sessions, evolutionary impact and business strategy, program development, consulting, keynote speaking, workshops, and in retreats and expeditions and am constantly creating juicy content and modalities to help my clients transform at the deepest core level.  I feel called as a light leader to guide change agents in navigating and transcending these intense times so they can align and thrive from the inside out.

I’ve spent years working in environmental justice & human rights advocacy, had a former career in corporate litigation. Human evolution, business, human rights and environmental respect are my passions.

I believe we can create a thriving economy based on reciprocity, social and environmental justice. It begins with our personal growth.

What I stand for

  • Integrity and truth

  • Peak wellness, clean food, clean living

  • Unleashing our true potential

  • Values alignment

  • Self and Soul mastery

  • Activating realms of higher purpose

  • Tapping into the quantum and acknowledging our multidimensional reality

  • Protecting ancient forests

  • Listening to nature

  • Mastering our perception

  • Awakening consciousness

  • We are all indigenous to this earth

  • Challenging rules, beliefs and assumptions, worldviews and paradigms

  • Actualizing our Soul’s Agenda for us in this lifetime

  • Sharing our unique medicine with the world

What I stand for

  • Integrity and truth
  • Unleashing our true potential
  • Values alignment
  • Peak wellness and self mastery
  • Activating our highest purpose
  • Protecting ancient forests
  • Listening to nature
  • Mastering our perception
  • Awakening consciousness
  • We are all indigenous to this earth
  • Challenging rules, beliefs and assumptions, worldviews and paradigms
  • Purification of body and mind
  • Actualizing our Soul’s Agenda for us in this lifetime
  • Sharing our unique medicine with the world

The World Needs Our
Unique Medicine

Our medicine is the woven blend of our unique experience, our gifts, knowledge, education, consciousness – our wisdom. It’s our inner magic, our talents, our lifetimes and lineage… it’s who we really are- outside of our identity, pedigree and training. Licenses, certifications, trainings and the paths we’ve been mastering can be key ingredients too. Your medicine is the essence of You.

Some of my more linear ingredients include:

I’m a licensed attorney, certified energy medicine practitioner, herbalist, wellness coach, business coach, Leadership Circle Profile® Consultant, mediator, executive coach, Body Talk enthusiast, CSR & Sustainability Practitioner. I’m a student of master shamans from the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon and the Q’ero Lineage in the Peruvian Andes.

I am committed to a lifelong journey of honing my gifts as a Wayfinder.

Nothing can explain what learnings come from being chased by a bear, standing face to face with a mountain lion, standing in the rubble when the planes hit the World Trade Center on 911-right over head, being healed of a severe brain injury by a medicine man in the Ecuadorian Amazon, having a logger almost cut my foot off with a chainsaw, living in ancient Redwood trees so they wouldn’t be cut, having a shot-gun to my head in a favela in Brazil, compulsively training Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art for 15 years, probably having an F. B . I file and seeking to know my Soul since I was 17 months on this planet. Now you…


What’s your unique medicine?

We are limitless potential bound by perceptions that no longer serve the highest evolution of business & humanity.

Speak Your Truth, Be True to You.

We are limitless potential bound by perceptions that no longer serve the highest evolution of business & humanity.

Speak Your Truth, Be True to You.

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