“Remember who you really are so you can do the work you’re really here to do.”



We’re living in extraordinary times, our forests, waters, air, earth, animals, and human brethren are in need of awakened leaders with vision and deep awareness of our highest possible timeline of becoming. You are one of them.

You’re feeling an expansive evolutionary shift -inside and out.

Your Soul’s assignment – higher purpose- is activating on a new level and you want tools, vision, support, a sounding board, a new meaning making lens, and strategy for leading at the edge – and for loving your life and who you become while doing it. 

You are the leader our future needs.

What do you really want to be doing with your life, your talent, resources, intelligence, experience? Those at the leading edge, the guides at the bow of the ship, light bearers, systems changers, and new earth storytellers, this invitation is for you.

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The experience

 “Bridging ancient intelligence with modern wisdom, Stephanie’s deep experience with indigenous cultures, natural law, impeccable wellness, business strategy, and shamanic healing, coupled with her love and connection to mother earth, makes her an exceptional Soul Guide, Business Catalyst, and Illuminator of higher purpose.”  –Client Singapore

You’re multifaceted and I wear a lot of hats.

“What strikes me every time we speak is the sheer mastery Stephanie embodies capturing the essence of our endeavor, while holding and weaving duality – the masculine and feminine, the linear analytical and multidimensional, the strategy and soul – so naturally.

A gifted alchemist, she finds the eye in the storm, brings the clarity in chaos, holds calm when there is overwhelm, and always gives a kick in the ass when you need it.

It’s hard to use the name coach with Stephanie. She’s a Soul strategist and potent catalyst, with business and visionary acumen providing guidance every step of the way. I encourage anyone stepping into their next level of leadership to jump into this deep work with Stephanie. She wears all the hats with ease and poise, and is a true partner on your journey.” –Katharina Mohr de Yaycate 

Explore together

You want a guide who gets you and where you’re ready to go.

I hold a safe, confidential, multi channel, supportive and evolutionary portal for you to do your deepest work inside and out. Let’s explore how working together can support you in aligning to the new energies emerging from you and those that are calling you forward in this now moment. Book a complimentary confidential discovery call and let’s explore possibilities.

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Emotional Peace Mental Freedom Physical Vitality Business Impact  Spiritual Expansion


WORK TOGETHER - upper right

Experience of others...

"For those who 'are on mission' these times can feel significantly challenging. We need the expertise and care of others equipped to help us through the next phase of the ever evolving spiral upwards to fulfill our spirit's journey here during this time.  Some moments feel like a make it or break it phase in our life. Stephanie is a shaman to guide you through those spiritual emergencies safely and faster. Her strength and capacity to hold energy and space with genuine connective care helps you move through and access your own mastery for rapid release and a higher level re-connection"

Susan Manewich
Founder & Director the NUI Foundation for Moral Technology

"Stephanie is an amazing role model for women around the world. We need more women like her who believe anything is possible.”

Naveen Jain

"Stephanie's coaching, mentorship, leadership, professionalism and healing capabilities blend to one transformative elixir. While working together, Stephanie helped unleash my potential and create an impact that will ripple through my life for years and years to come. Through working with her, I now have a flourishing business! Highly recommend."

Lauren Baptiste
CEO Creative Founder, Alcheloa Wellness

​"Stephanie has been my "legal midwife," helping me create the structures and licensing agreements I needed to get my methodology out into the world.   That was a piece of the creation process that was holding back the birthing of my body of work, in ways I wasn't really even seeing.  Stephanie's business acumen as well as her understanding of my creative process, helped translate my intentions into legal language that I feel amazing about.  Working with her helped me move through a portal into the next level of my impact and I couldn't have done it without her.

Anne Rose Hart
Founder, Quantum Play Institute

"The experience working with Stephanie was exactly what I needed to take my life's work and company to the next level. I so highly recommend leaping to work with her now!"    

Denise Bozza
CEO Bozza Yoga

Earth Impact: Repatriation

In 2023 we lead a group of impact leaders on a journey in Colombia where we were gifted the experience of a spiritual pilgrimage with the Kogi People, a unique and powerful indigenous group with an important message doing critical work to stabilize our mother planet at this time.

As a board member of the 501(c)3 non profit, Dream Change, I’ve had the privilege, along with our crew of journeyers, to raise funds for the REPATRIATION of Kogi Land, a very important place currently on private property that was once theirs and now belongs in the care of the Kogi.

If you would like to contribute to this mission you can learn more below.

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