About Kathleen Maier:
Kathleen Maier, RH (AHG). PA has been a practicing herbalist for over thirty years. She is currently director of Sacred Plant Traditions, LLC in Charlottesville, VA where she offers a Three Year Clinical/Community Herbalist training program.
SPT’s free clinic was one of the first on the east coast and is still growing strong. She served as President of the Board of United Plant Savers Board and was the recipient of their first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award. Kathleen’s studies of plants began as a Peace Corps volunteer in Chile and her training as a Physician’s Assistant allows her to weave the language of biomedicine with traditional energetic systems.
She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, which offers support to mental health and at risk community members at no cost. She is co-author of Bush Medicine of San Salvador Island, Bahamas.
Learn more about Kat:

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