About Rosemary Gladstar
Rosemary Gladstar is, literally, a star figure in the field of modern herbalism, internationally renowned for her technical knowledge and stewardship in the global herbalist community. She has been practicing, living, learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 45 years. In 2018 Rosemary was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her life work from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine.
Rosemary is the author of twelve books including Medicinal Herbs; a Beginners Guide, Herbal Healing for Women, Gladstar Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Well Being and Herbal Healing for Men. She is also the author and director of the popular home study course, The Science and Art of Herbalism.
She is the co-founder and former director of both The International Herb Symposium and The New England Women’s Herbal Conference, the Founding President of United Plant Savers, and the co-founder and original formulator of Traditional Medicinal Tea Company.
She recently moved from her home at Sage Mountain ~ an Herbal Retreat Center and Botanical Sanctuary where she has lived, taught and worked for the past 30 years ~ to a smaller haven where she plans to plant a small garden, dream more, do less, and spend more time with the plants.
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