It’s liberating to be confident in who you really are and what you’re really here to do.

These times of massive transition have many of us questioning what we’re doing. Are we satisfied? We found ‘our purpose’ yet we’re not feeling fulfilled, we’re not hitting the mark, is it even working, are we doing enough? We’re not sure what’s next, what’s missing…

As we awaken to the inner knowing that our planet is changing and we as part of her are changing, are we able to transcend old stories of our identity and who we once were -who we think we are- so that we may step fully into who we are becoming?

‘Who’ you are becoming is ‘how’ you choose to become.

You’re one of those called to awaken humanity, shift systems, solve big world crazy problems and bring people and business back to sanity. This is your call to higher purpose.

Higher Purpose is a frequency not bound in roots of your old identity.

How do we ‘be’ in that frequency? We’re all being called to expand our consciousness to access our multi-dimensional selves in relation to our living Earth and the Cosmos among which we orbit. Sounds like a tall order? It’s simple when we move the limiters and you receive the ah ha…

Whether your limiters show up as the ‘not enough‘ program, low confidence, feeling stuck, off course, like you’ve lost the mark on your purpose, or if you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, this workshop is for you.

You want to love what you are doing, feel embodied and fulfilled, feel confident in who you are, free yourself of old identities, and feel total agency to speak your truth and be who you really are.

This is liberation.

If you’re ready for greater expansion, aligned impact, and an upgrade in one or more areas of your life join me for this Deep Dive where you’ll receive the ah ha…

Who you are becoming is ‘how’ you choose to become

Sometimes we struggle to align our truth with our brilliant minds and hard won identities yet this is how we tap into our next level of exquisite potential.


Stephanie is so smart, deep, intuitive and at the same time warm and relatable. I found her workshop inspiring and yes, liberating in the way it helped me to rethink how we define our purpose. Her well thought out frameworks to own our power as creators helped me see the path of moving into higher purpose. Sometimes I had to pause to process the new vocabulary, which is in itself paradigm shifting. It was a catalyst for me to rethink and enter into deeper alignment in my own working, doing, BEING!…and shift my perception of what’s possible. ” 

Jen Slaw

In this masterclass you’ll:

  • Break free from the shackles of identity holding you back 

  • Learn a powerful tool to tap into your capacity as a quantum creator

  • Step through fear and be who you really are

  • Expand your capacity to receive – in all areas of your lives

  • Speak your truth with grace and conscious impact

  • Dismantle wherever the ‘not enough’ program lives in you

  • Uncover why your purpose isn’t feeling fulfilling

  • Dial into your highest possibility where you thrive in fulfillment, radiance, joy, and alignment

  • Receive the Liberation Playbook to download and use as a coaching guide to deepen your experience with the framework shared.

We dive into this and so much more. Do the exercises and you absolutely will have tangible take-aways and ah-ha’s.

    Higher Purpose is a frequency not bound in roots of your old identity.

    Expand your power as a creator, evolve toward quantum potential and expand through old layers ready to be let go. This is Liberation…

    Here’s what you can expect from our time together:

    Time Out to Expand

    Reconnect with your center. How are you creating your dream, or dreaming your dream? Is it limited by your energy, frequency, identity, or perception of ‘how’ things work?

    Drop in Deep with Me

    We’re going deep with guided visualizations, grounding exercises, deep thinking and processing, connecting and the things that make you go ‘I see differently now.’

      Take Away Tools

      A framework to uncover your old identity traps, how to align with your purpose, and how to access higher purpose as a quantum creator.  Show up and receive and you’ll transform.

        Higher purpose is calling…

        I’m Stephanie Trager

        Medicine Woman & Guide for this journey…

        For 30 years I’ve been obsessed with finding and sharing the keys to physical vitality, mental freedom, emotional peace, and spiritual expansion. From herbalism to law, to coaching, to indigenous earth practices, to activism, to impact investing, from the linear left brain cut throat world of business and law to the elevated inner journey of spiritual seeking, I’ve spent decades off the beaten path synergizing innate wisdom with positive psychology, neuroscience, NLP, a background in, human rights and eco activism, business and corporate law, plus shamanism and alternative ancient practices. It’s from here I meet you in the ‘field’ of infinite possibility.

        Dubbed’ a ‘purpose whisperer,’ ‘wellness rebel’ and ‘legal midwife’ I couple sharp business acumen with potent intuitive gifts. I’ve created multiple modalities and processes that bring my clients rapid results. When you step into my vortex you’re receiving an upgrade that will take you where you haven’t gone before. I love snowboarding, backpacking, trail running, and peak physical activities. I have a stellium (5 planets) in Aquarius and a massive love for ancient trees.

        Experience of others...

        "For those who 'are on mission' these times can feel significantly challenging. We need the expertise and care of others equipped to help us through the next phase of the ever evolving spiral upwards to fulfill our spirit's journey here during this time.  Some moments feel like a make it or break it phase in our life. Stephanie is a shaman to guide you through those spiritual emergencies safely and faster. Her strength and capacity to hold energy and space with genuine connective care helps you move through and access your own mastery for rapid release and a higher level re-connection"

        Susan Manewich
        Founder & Director the NUI Foundation for Moral Technology

        "Stephanie is an amazing role model for women around the world. We need more women like her who believe anything is possible.”

        Naveen Jain
        CEO, VIOME

        "Stephanie's coaching, mentorship, leadership, professionalism and healing capabilities blend to one transformative elixir. While working together, Stephanie helped unleash my potential and create an impact that will ripple through my life for years and years to come. Through working with her, I now have a flourishing business! Highly recommend."

        Lauren Baptiste
        CEO Creative Founder, Alcheloa Wellness

        ​"Stephanie has been my "legal midwife," helping me create the structures and licensing agreements I needed to get my methodology out into the world.   That was a piece of the creation process that was holding back the birthing of my body of work, in ways I wasn't really even seeing.  Stephanie's business acumen as well as her understanding of my creative process, helped translate my intentions into legal language that I feel amazing about.  Working with her helped me move through a portal into the next level of my impact and I couldn't have done it without her.

        Anne Rose Hart
        Founder, Quantum Play Institute

        "The experience working with Stephanie was exactly what I needed to take my life's work and company to the next level. I so highly recommend leaping to work with her now!"    

        Denise Bozza
        CEO Bozza Yoga

        The World Needs Your Unique Medicine

        Remember who you really are so you can do the work you’re really here to do.

        Free gift to all…

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